A Janssens in Huis Janssens

A Janssens in Huis Janssens
This house was built in eclectic style by order of Alfons Janssens: textile manufacturer & politician. His spouse, Coleta De Schrijver, had the upper hand in Huis Janssens. She was an extraordinary, strong woman who did not conform to the cliché of that time. ‘Prey’ from the Dianas series is therefore part of the permanent collection of the Curiosum, which sees itself as a successor to the 16th-century cabinet of curiosities. Glad to hear from the guides that visitors’ gaze and interest is first directed toward my work ‘Prey’ as they enter the room.
Thank you Annelies Van Wetteren, Gerald Delvaux and Stad Sint-niklaas
Expo photos by  Sylvie De Weze

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