From May 18 until July 15, DEUSS GALLERY will showcase a beautiful selection from the LIGHTNESS series. If you missed (or loved) Foto Knokke-Heist, this is your cue. We open the show on May 18 at 5 PM. You are invited, and I’d love to see you there between 5-10 PM.

Nice extra: the show kicks off on the very first day of ANTWERP ART WEEKEND.

Antwerp is always a good idea, but on that weekend, there truly is plenty to discover at 73 art venues.


Address DEUSS GALLERY: Provinciestraat 11, 2018 Antwerp

Opening hours (Antwerp Art Weekend / May 18-21): Thursday (opening event): 5-10 PM, Friday to Sunday: 12-6pm 

Opening hours (af of May 22): Thursday to Saturday: 2-6 PM or by appointment


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