City of Warsaw

This is one of the jobs that made me grateful for being a photographer. I was honoured that Marcin Mroszczak, creative director of DDB Warsaw, and the city of Warsaw gave me this big (literally, huge) opportunity.
They asked me to make a 33m by 36,4m interpretation of a protest poster from 20 years ago. In the poster you can detect a look-alike of Gary Cooper in High Noon and a ode to the Polish hero Lech Walesa who signaled the end of the communist rule. The film poster was mounted onto the major cultural building in Warsaw.

A giant banner is seen on the Soviet-era Palace of Culture in Warsaw

A giant banner is unveiled in front of the Soviet-era Palace of Culture in Warsaw

A man descends in front of a giant banner hang on the Soviet-era Palace of Culture in Warsaw

City of Warsaw

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